Thank you to all our past supporters!

Business & Organization Sponsors

Abound Financial & Lifestyle Planning
Donated funding for HR (staffing) and 2 laptops

Allens Linklaters
Provided legal services, equipment for Free Disability Community Centre and Lifestart Foundation Free School and HR support

Auscham Vietnam
Financial contribution for Free Disability Community Centre

Australian Embassy Vietnam
Development of Tra Que land and three-wheeled motorbike donations

Australian Government
In cooperation with Quang Nam Province has partly funded the future development of the Lifestart Foundation Workshop at Tra Que

John & Sue Hammond
Donated 2 three-wheeled motorbikes

Cooper Investors
Lifestart Foundation Workshop Development & In Country Manager Salary for 1 year

Cowan Design
Lifestart logo and design services

Crusoeden Body
Supports Lifestart Foundation and donates a percentage of their profits from their body products

Cubit Foundation
Funded one year living allowance for In-Country Manager, LSF Electronic Equipment and Laptops

Dental Essence
General funding and Monthly Member

Heartsong retreat on Waiheke
Sponsor of two Educational Scholarships and equipment funding for the Lifestart Foundation Free Disability Center

Hanoi International Women’s Club
Health Services and Safety Equipment for Disabled Workshop Members

Hopkins Corporate Solutions Pty Ltd
Sponsor of a Seven Year Educational Scholarship

International Cargo Express
Sponsor of 2 x Seven Year Educational Scholarship

Ipant Group
Philip Irving and Tuan-Anh Nguyen 6 annual Educational Scholarships

Equipment for Lifestart Foundation Free School

LSE Lee Sames Egan – Lawyers & Conveyancers
Sponsor of a Seven Year Educational Scholarship

Olympic Polymers
10 Adopt A Family donations, Three-wheeled motorbike donation, One Year Educational Scholarship

Planeterra Foundation
Planterra Foundation supports Lifestart Foundation with HR Support

Planet Wheeler
Funding for Free Disability Community Centre and Lifestart Foundation Workshop

SB Designs
Provides graphic/web design for promotional marketing

Donation of sewing machines & overlockers for the SIT project, HR support

St Michael’s on Collins Melbourne
Sponsor of a Seven Year Educational Scholarship and three-wheeled motorbike, University Scholarship

Provided 2 Seven Year Educational Scholarships

Vietnam Airlines
Vietnam Airlines supports Lifestart Foundation with additional baggage allowance from Australia

Monthly Members

Richard Brown
Di, Mark and Asia Charity

Eva Haddad
Carol Kee
Keith and Kelera Molloy
Dr. Nathan Phan – Dental Essence
The Paklos Family
Anne and Jim Ross

Educational Scholarship Sponsors

J&T Charles and Family – 3 x Secondary Year Educational Scholarships
The Cresswell Family – – 2 x Secondary Year Educational Scholarship
Gary and Fran Beynon – Medical University Scholarship
Jill Doctor – Annual Educational Scholarship
Chris Flett – 3 Educational Scholarships
Daryl and Lesleigh Frankel – One Year Educational Scholarship
Betty Hopkins – One Year Educational Scholarship
Margaret Hopkins 2 x Secondary Year Educational Scholarship
Ken Hopkins – Chartered Accountant Sydney – 2 x Secondary Year Educational Scholarship
Trevor Kilvington – 1 x Secondary Year Educational Scholarship
Mr. Phillip Lee – 2 x Secondary Year Educational Scholarship
Allan and Alex Maher – 1 x Secondary Year Educational Scholarship
John and Denise Radgick – 6 x Secondary Year Educational Scholarships
Nadine Tong and Paul Tardent – 1 x Secondary Year Educational Scholarship
David and Leah Young and Family – 1 x Secondary Year Educational Scholarship

Lowther Hall Students (Simone Mirigliano, Cjay Aksoyoglu, Erin Tarollo, Cindy Luu) – 4 Year Educational Scholarship

Generous Financial Contributors

The MacKinnon Family
Keith and Kelera Molloy
Di, Mark and Asia Charity
Carol Kee
The Hogg, Copey and Baker Families
Yen Chi Huu Nguyen
John and Denise Radgick
Peta and Simon Gray
Vinh Dao
The Marshall Family
Christopher Francke
Jonathan Radgick
James, Rachel, Jake, Helena and Samuel Everson-Crane
Geoff Sutherland and Helen Barry

The Lifestart Foundation sincerely appreciates and acknowledges the generosity of spirit of all sponsors including those who wish to remain anonymous.

In-Kind Services:

Andreas Boehmer at Addictive Media
Etienne Bossot – Photography: Etienne Bossot Photography
Linh Chau – Videography
Micheal Fountoulakis & Kamm Pryor – Photography
Philip Irving – Donor Records
Fran Lanigan – Media, PR and editing
Sandra Russell – Administration
Dave Sharpe – Website Assistance

MCode – website design services (2005-2006)

Please also see our dedicated Lifestart Foundation Volunteers >

dev_syedsqThank you to all our past supporters!