Health Stories

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Meet Hai

Meet Hai, the very proud and grateful owner of a new wheelchair generously donated by a kind and generous Lifestart Foundation supporter. Hai lives at the homeless shelter where Lifestart Foundation has provided daily treatment and care to many residents. This new wheelchair will provide Hai with mobility as he cannot walk.

Hang’s New Leg

Introducing the beautiful and vivacious Hang – An Agent Orange Survivor. This is Part 1 of Hang’s inspirational story. Hằng comes from a family of six, including her grandfather, dad, mum and two younger brothers. Both of her parents are farmers and her youngest brother has an intellectual disability and is unable to attend school.

Meet Dao

Meet Dao. She started out a healthy child, but when she was 2 years of old she suffered a number of episodes resulting in deterioration in movement, reflex and communication. Her mother provides full-time care and her father, a chef earns just $100 per month. With such a small budget the family has been unable

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Stories at Lifestart Foundation Free Disability Community Center

Mobility – Providing Free Three-Wheeled Motorbikes/Wheelchairs for Disabled Members in Quang Nam Province

Volunteers at The Lifestart Foundation Free Disability Community Center

Lifestart Foundation Outreach Program for Those Who Do Not Live in Hoi An

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